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Learn all forms of face painting:
The fading art of full face


Whether you are interested in painting faces at carnivals and fairs, doing makeup for performances, or just having some fun with your kids, this class is for you. Face painting is surprising easy to learn, and Jim is a marvelous insturctor. ANYONE can do facepainting, the creations you make will surprise even you.

This will be comprehensive, hands on class; you will be painting and painted during the class. The cost of the class includes a makeup kit with all the supplies that you will be using in the class (valued at over $50); this kit is yours to keep. There is no additional outlay for the basic supplies of the class.

The primary focus of this class is the fading art of full face painting (five hours are planned), but it will also include other aspects of face painting such as Stenciling, airbrushing, enhancements such as glitter and mettalics.

Class is taught by Jim Reed and Bob Kreidler

Breakfast sweets, drinks and lunch are provided as part of the class cost. Though you are welcome to bring something to share if you like.

Date: February 10, 2007
Time: 8:45am to 4:45pm
Classroom open at 8am
Where: Akron University
Folk Hall
Room 144
Cost: $99 (includes all class supplies and lunch)
Space is limited so